Hi, once more this music geek is blogging! A few hours ago i was drawing and singing (at the same time, might i note), and i was singing a collision of Beatles songs and that's what i drew. music gives me wierd ideas of things, and that's what i draw. It's really kind of funny how people who are not very good singers (such as myself) are good at other things, such as drawing, playing insturments, or cooking, but music let's them do other stuff? Wierd isn't it? I draw, play the sax, and enjoy cooking (but am not very good at these things, i do believe), and am obsessed with singing things and WILL randomly burst out in song while Cassidy is talking to me. I just sing whatever is floating around in my head. Adios, all y'all music heads!
Luv y'all (except Tim),
Corriina <3<3